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Nov 20, 2007

Position of Different Rooms

Puja Room
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The room for Puja should ideally be in the NE.The deities can be facing East, West or North. If they happen to be facing the South,it is suggested that an idol of Shivaji or Hanumanji be kept.

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The ideal place for a kitchen is the South-East quadrant or the alternative is the North-West quadrant or corner. Have sink/ wash-basin along the North-East . Do your cooking facing the East or the North. Keep your fridge in the North-West corner. Store your rations along the South-West wall.
Master Bedroom
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The Master Bedroom should be in the South-West Quadrant, preferably,the corner.The North West quadrant is the only alternative.Sleep with your head towards the South; East-west is also acceptable.

Children's Bedroom
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The NW and the SE are recommended. The SW is to be avoided. The NE corner can be considered.
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NW corner or quadrant is ideal for the guest-room.Otherwise build it along the NE side.

Drawing and Dining Rooms
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Build them along the East or the North wall. The dining room should be more towards the NE
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If together should be in North west corner of Bedroom if separate Bathroom can be towards East and toilet towards West or South.

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